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My Hometown-我出生的村落,My Hometown-我出生的村落范文
更新时间: 2024-04-19 19:58:35

My Homtown-我出生的村落 I com from a vry small villag on th wst Coast of Taiwan I usually go by a slow train, and it is about four from Taipi. Th villagrs ar mostly fishrmn and farmrs. Th downtown of th villag is two strts prpndicular to ach othr. Lif in th villag is Vry slow and vry simpl; whn you, and som-tims you stop to visit. Most popl ar ithr vry old or vry young bcaus th big citis to work. Small childrn always run in th strts without shos, and chickn, gs, ducks, turkys. It is vry pacful hr. My Homtown-我出生的村落

My Hometown-我出生的村落,My Hometown-我出生的村落范文


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