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我的大学计划(My plan for College life)
更新时间: 2024-04-27 00:47:08

I'm xtrmly xcitd now ,In fac of nw nvirnmnt of study and lif ,I must mak a good plan for it .

我的大学计划(My plan for College life)

Study coms first so I should mak nw goal and improv my study mthod.Hard will I study in th collg as I do now.It is also important to larn how to liv by myslf.I will join invarious activitis and try my bst to manag th rlationship with othr classmats.

No mattr what I will mt in th futur,happinss or sorrow,kp an optimistic attitud towards lif and I bliv that my collg lif will b colorfull as plannd. diyifanwn.com


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